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Multicultural Awareness


Updated: Jul 30, 2021

I feel that true empowerment comes from seeing myself and others in their own power and upliftment. As I grow in my own self-awareness of my intersectional identities, I am able to show up in healing spaces with a more vulnerable humility.

“Culturally competent counselors are engaged in an aspirational practice and are continually developing attitudes and beliefs, knowledge, and skills that enable them to work effectively with diverse clients. They realize that they can never say they have arrived at a final state of competency” - (Corey, G. 2019)

Academic Paper 2 from Ethics Artifact


Within this paper, a case is presented that proposes an ethical dilemma, in which I explore my own awareness of how I would be with this as a therapist and the steps I would take in order to support the clients. The therapist, Miguel, is working with a Latino family and identifies an issue of triangulation occurring in the session. When this occurs it ruptures the therapeutic dynamic, because this assertion goes against the family's cultural belief systems. In this process I speak of how I, as a white identifying individual, could make a very similar assumption, without awareness of the family's background and familial roles. An important point that I make in the paper is, rather than making an assertion of triangulation, I could ask open-ended questions that allows an expansion of viewpoint within the space. Educating myself on various intersectionality's is my responsibility as an ethical therapist.

As I walk through this journey of being an art therapist and growing within my multicultural awareness, I know that it is important to seek my own system of support and guidance. Acknowledging that I will have co-workers and a supervisor whom I can soundboard with, in order to find a pathway that will be of the highest good for all involved. I note in my paper, that involving clients in this process is pertinent for the repair process. This allows for a sense of transparency and authenticity in rebuilding the therapeutic alliance and moving into a place of integral trust.

Art Response to Academic Paper Artifact


This art piece depicts the feelings and images that came up within me as I was moving through writing the paper above. On the left is fire, heat, that I experience at times when I feel confrontation or my limiting beliefs are challenged. It is important to feel this and allow it to move through my body, in order to bring more awareness to where I still need to grow in my mindset of experiencing people and viewpoints that are different than my own. When mistakes occur, it is imperative to take ownership and hold myself accountable in this regard. In honoring other's and their walk through life, I can sincerely apologize with pure intentions of continuing to learn and grow. On the right symbolizes water, the cooling of this bodily reaction, which is the practice of building my emotional stamina and tolerance to be with the discomfort. Between these is the light of my awareness, and the reverberations that this awareness has on myself and my environment. Acknowledging that I am growing and aware that I still have more to grow within.

Hermeneutics Integration Transformation Artifact


I created this piece in Hermeneutics, it includes experiences and expressions from all four realms of my existence; Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual. I believe the Divine is within everyone and everything. We are all coalescing in a cosmic dance, playing out karma and learning soul lessons, in order to grow and embody our truest essence. It is in my beliefs that we are all in Truth, love. This is our purest form of energy. On this dimensional plane, we exist in the realm of polarities; highs and lows, shadow and light, good and bad. I connect to the Divine through my ability to be in presence, especially through the practice of meditation and connecting with the Earth. It is in my awareness of the Divine and my set of spiritual beliefs that guides me through this lifetime. It is in my awareness that not everyone has these same beliefs as I, and thus it is my intention to honor them in their own beliefs and meet them where they are within that.


I identify as a white, heterosexual, able-bodied, binary female. I acknowledge my privilege within these intersectional identities, and am aware of how these identities provide me with certain comforts within our society that most do not have. In being a therapist, this places me in a position of power, therefore it is important for me to keep uncovering my limiting beliefs, assumptions, and biases. It is my intention in this work to do no harm, and to contribute to this society in a way that supports equality. Knowing that I will never feel what it's like to walk through life in other people's shoes, but that it is in my ability to listen, learn, and honor them in their intersectional identities that creates a safer space for healing.



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