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Capstone Part 2


This image is one of the many images from my Capstone Art Process, in which I created a small 3" x 5" accordion-like booklet. Image Description: Portrayal of Divine Feminine energy using collage from found materials.

Family Art Therapy

This artwork was in reflection of the Part 2 exercises from 'It Didn't Start with You' by Mark Wolynn. These exercises involved identifying our own fears and how this fear connects to our family lineage. This image reflects the wounds and ways in which I see my mother and my father, both with whom I have an evolving relationship with. Part of Wolynn's writings that stands out to me, was the idea of not who our parents are, but it matters how we hold them within us. This artwork highlights how I am wanting to move forwards in holding them both in my mind, heart, and being. I brought both of their energies to this wooden table, where a feast is laid out and a fire burns nearby. I wanted the parts of them that live within me to know that there is enough, enough space, enough nourishment, and enough warmth. So that my inner child, that has felt hurt and wounded by their inner child parts, may feel welcome to come forth and release whatever is no longer hers to carry. That what is ready to be released may be released into the flame and the abundance of nourishment is there to be received. It felt quite satisfying to create this piece and see the beauty in it, that somehow through whatever has occurred, in their lives and in mine, that we can all be seen. It is my belief that it is in seeing both the dark and light, claiming that which is ours and releasing that which is not, that empowerment healing can be found here.

Capstone A Class: Group Mural

Reflection: Bringing forth the energy of the fairy felt like the depiction of the inner child, the one who enjoys imagination and flying between realms. Her magic illuminates the truth within all our beings, that we all come from love and this where we will return. She lays upon a mushroom, the decay and under growth of fungi, that symbolizes the constant death and rebirth cycle. The beauty that death exudes in her wake and evokes a pungency from her mossy cloak.

I felt an immense gratitude to connect with everyone as we made art. My heart keeps bringing me images of everyone’s faces and smiles, wanting to relish in that sense of joy once more. My hope is that folks who visit are able to feel the inspiration that was the catalyst for all of these creations and how much love there is between each of us as a cohort.

Capstone Presentation: Creative Self Inquiry



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