My growing edges and lived experiences that have birthed deeper awareness

It is in my humility of not knowing, that I open myself up to discovering new ways to grow and learn. My healing journey will never end, just as my consciousness continues to expand. I choose to deepen my self-awareness, in order to breathe more life into my being. This flame illuminates compassion, understanding, self-empowerment, active listening, attunement, genuine presence, and the healer within us all. My role as a therapist is to hold this light as my client's move through their inner landscapes and remember the truth of their own essence.
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you." -Rumi
Hermeneutics Mandalas Artifact

Throughout my journey in Hermeneutics, I came into knowing myself, and myself as an artist, in a deeper sense. The image on the left, of the Vase, depicts the process of healing and breaking open. In my experience, this can feel uncomfortable and even emotionally/mentally painful at times. When I am able to be with the discomfort and tune into my body, utilizing my breath to move the energy through, more space is created in my vessel. The swirling concentric circles symbolize the polarities of life and how they shape and mold us, winding through our internal universe. When I am able to surrender to my inner creative muse, she shows me that I am capable of more than I had ever imagined. It allows grace and faith in the journey to rest in my bones. This is the power of art. It is a mirror of what is already within you, calling parts of you to come alive and be seen. I believe that we are all artist's, creating our realities in each moment, whether we are consciously aware or not.
In the right image, my final Character/Destiny mandala, I allowed my soul to speak to me through my meditation practice. This transient space that I slip into has gifted me with rich inspiration for my art-making. My art gives voice to that which words cannot fully express. For my future clients this is a way for them to express their lived experiences when words are not flowing. By allowing the art to speak through the creator, it builds a relational space for the client to engage in a dialogue with their art. This dialogue can look like words, breathing, movement, or more art-making. A vastness exists in this space with the options of expression limitless. This art piece mirrors to me the practice of looking within, in order to sense what is being called forth in the space. By trusting my inner guidance and feeling aligned within my own being, I am able to support my clients in trusting themselves through the journey of growth and healing.
Ethics Sculpture Artifact
During the process of creating this sculpture, the materials reflected to me some of the keys of being a presently aware therapist. Throughout the PowerPoint, I mention compassion, understanding, and having an open heart and mind. These values remind me that we are all human, doing our best in each moment with the amount of awareness that is within. I used some natural materials, as these symbolize a sense of being grounded in the here and now. I feel that presence is one of the most valuable attributes I can bring into the therapeutic space with a client. It is through presence that I am able to tune into the energy within the space and that which is coming up for the client. Active listening is not hearing in order to respond, but rather listening with my ears, my heart, and using my being as a tuning fork. When I tune into the client I am able to support them and be a mirror for their experience. This is why it is important for me to maintain balance within my own being by checking into my own internal systems. Being able to tune in is one of my strengths, as it has been reflected to me over the span of the program in dyad work. Listening with my being and following my intuition allows me to summate what I am hearing from the client and give it back to them so they feel heard, seen, and acknowledged. This helps to build rapport and a stronger therapeutic alliance. By asking open-ended questions in the space, this allows the client to venture into their own awareness and bring forth whatever material is ready to be shared at this juncture.
Both of the rocks are encased in a wire-wrapping that tether them to the strings above. One rock is me as therapist, and the other is the client. The wire is present in order to showcase the importance of having healthy boundaries in life, as well as in the therapeutic space. These boundaries allow us to remain connected to the balance of the space that exists between us. This is pertinent in building trust within the therapeutic alliance. We are both aware of what is expected of the other in regards to our roles within the space, and that the client is the driver of their own healing journey.
Some of my growing edges include practicing the process of repair and gaining knowledge about various intersectionality's of folks who I may not be yet aware of. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility as a therapist to educate myself, in order to show up more fully in the therapeutic space. I know that mistakes will be made and this is serving me in my ability to grow deeper into my humility and to be accountable for my actions and words. It is my intention to do no harm and to do my best to repair a rupture in the case that this occurs. I have some fear in this space, as I do not want to harm anyone, but I know that mistakes do and probably will happen. That is why it is important for me to grow in trusting myself and leaning into the support system I have for guidance when situations like this arise.
Another growth point is in bringing more consistency into my daily experience and continuing to do the inner work. It is only in the depth I travel within my own being, that I am able to sit and witness with my clients.
The symbology that comes forth from the art I create inspires my continuing process. This awareness is important as it is a vital form of how I nurture myself as I grow more into my identity as an art therapist. I choose to lead with my heart and when my mind wants to speak incessantly, I can remember this journey and how it has taught me about the power of true presence. When I am present with my inner being, I am an empty vessel for energy to move through. I have more space to hold with others and a clearer attunement to the reflections that are being called forth. I feel that it is my calling to trust my intuition and reflect with others the power they hold within themselves. It's a journey and I feel grateful that this is the way in which my soul has chosen to serve humanity in this lifetime.